Though wine is a favorite drink for our afternoons and evenings, many people turn to coffee to get themselves started in the morning. If you’re worried about this as a dietary habit, rest easy! A cup of coffee (300 to 400 milligrams) is associated with health benefits like improved concentration even a longer life span. But much like wine, you’ve got to be careful not to overdo it. Too much caffeine can cause anxiety, insomnia, and weight gain, and it’s associated with higher mortality rates. With some dietary management, though, you can enjoy caffeine without damaging your quality of life.

We love coffee, but we also love sleep. If you want to be a healthy coffee drinker, start with a “last call” for caffeine at least six hours before bed. Note that this includes coffee and foods with caffeine, like candy bars and ice cream. Also do your best to stick to 8-ounce servings of coffee in the morning.

In addition to using coffee to wake up in the morning, try getting some natural sunlight as soon as possible. Your body balances its sleep cycle based on the patterns of the sun rising and falling, and you can help set your own internal clock by getting some sun after you wake up. You should also be mindful of your indoor air quality. Clogged filters can increase indoor air pollution and cause problems like restlessness and apnea. Take care of your HVAC system to manage your indoor air quality, and follow the other tips listed above to enjoy better sleep. Take a look at the infographic below to learn more.


Cheryl Posner is the owner of Winey Mommy. Of course, she loves wine, her family, and writing about it all (in no certain order).

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