Have you heard about mompreneurship? It’s a new trend in the world of entrepreneurship. Momtrepreneurs describes women who start or run their own company while also serving as a full-time parent. There’s no denying that balancing work and family obligations is extremely challenging. Heck, being a full-time mom is a major job all by itself. That said, the rise of technology is providing moms with more opportunities to earn money. Successful momtrepreneur stories are becoming more prevalent. Here are best practices for stay-at-home moms to earn extra money and become momtrepreneurs themselves.   

Sell Your Creations

If you have a knack for arts and crafts, there is a marketplace for you. In fact, you can sell your products on sites like Etsy, Ebay, Amazon Marketplace and Facebook. While there may be selling fees on certain sites, the pros heavily outweigh the cons – the cost of supplies are minimal, and you can work on a schedule that is convenient for you.

Share Your Skills

It’s time to take advantage of your talents and passions. Discover what they are and use them to make money. For example, if you are gifted at math, become a math tutor. Job sites frequently have postings for virtual tutors. Tutoring is also effective if you can advertise to fellow parents. You can help their kids and do it from the convenience of your own home. The same can be said for any number of skills. Are you good at piano? Guitar? Saxophone? If so, how about sharing your talents by offering music lessons to kids in the neighborhood or to classmates of your children? What about fashion? You can post tutorials on YouTube or begin a blog. If enough people visit your pages, businesses may advertise with you.

Online Marketing
Whatever your side hustle, it’s important to sell yourself. You must have an online presence, as a quality website is essential for almost any type of business. If a person is seeking information, they are probably using the internet to find it. When they look for a service or product you offer, you need to show up in their search results and look professional. A website is often the first impression a company puts forth to potential customers. It’s imperative that first impression is a good one. Make sure your site is mobile-friendly, accurate, visually appealing and informative (location, contact information, hours of operation, etc.). Make sure to have active social media representation as well – this includes pages on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn.

Business Cards
In addition to an online presence, market yourself with business cards. Your business card is your brand, serving as a showcase for you and your organization. A business card serves as a physical product that can meet real-word, face-to-face needs. It provides customers and contacts with something tangible that can be referenced later when they are thinking about products or services pertinent to your industry. You can get creative (double sided business cards) or stay traditional (classic business cards) but remember to design a piece that is identifiable, visually appealing and professional.

The rise of the internet has made it easier than ever to make money from home. You can earn extra cash by selling products, sharing your skills and marketing yourself. Ladies, it’s time to join the long list of successful momtrepreneurs.


Cheryl Posner is the owner of Winey Mommy. Of course, she loves wine, her family, and writing about it all (in no certain order).

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