Vaping is still very much a new trend, and very much changing almost by the day. Our friends at tell us that there are tons of new things happening in the industry by the day, and it’s a welcome challenge for them to stay on top of them. Here are some things to look for:

Cloud Chasing Goes Worldwide:

Cloud chasing started in the USA a while back, but it’s starting to go global now. Competitions with prize money are even starting to pop up all over this wide world of ours. Vape tricks are reportedly also on the rise everywhere.

For those of you who are potentially interested in taking up cloud chasing, here is a good place to start.

Custom Vape Kits On The Rise:

This ties right in with the rising popularity of cloud chasing. To really do well as a cloud chaser, you need to get the right gear for it. The most important factor considered for building a vape kit for competitive vaping is getting the coils to give the least resistance feasibly possible.

Of couse, in general, you can customize your vape kit for other things than trying to compete with it. There are tons of possibilities out there.

Increased Regulation:

This is one of the more unfortunate trends, although naturally your mileage may widely vary depending on exactly where on the Earth you happen to be at the moment of your vaping.

The good news is vaping is completely legal almost everywhere in the world still, and there may well be a backlash in some countries, because a lot of those laws were implemented in a very hasty and haphazard way without analyzing the data.

We here can’t fathom why regular cigarettes, which really are noxious and have the potential to degrade the quality of life for people around them, would be legal in not most but ALL of the jurisdictions where vaping has been banned. Between cigarettes and newer cleaner safer less obtrusive technology, the answer should be clear.

Do you have any experience with a custom vaping kit? Are you a competitive vapor, or plan to become one in the near future? Do you live anywhere where there are legal issues affecting your ability to vape? We would love to hear from you below in the comments section. Feel free to drop us a line and speak your mind.


Cheryl Posner is the owner of Winey Mommy. Of course, she loves wine, her family, and writing about it all (in no certain order).

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