
Cheryl Posner


We’ve seen lots of shake-ups in the global worlds of business and industry over the past few years. Among others, the sudden crash of crude oil prices has really left the international business world reeling. People feel, and rightly so, that there is no certainty anymore, no security. Maybe there never really was and we are just waking up to that realization.

One positive aspect to all of this mayhem has been that many of us have done some soul-searching and are now more open than ever to possible new opportunities. As a matter of fact, all of this disruption is in many ways a blessing in disguise, because it destroys the image of some business as “safe” investments, and promotes a much more open-minded mentality among investors as to taking a chance on the new and less proven. If not even oil is a sure thing, and nothing is a sure thing anymore, one may as well invest in something that has real potential to transform the world in a positive way.

We’re going to take a look at 4 different industries that we consider to be up and coming, and have great potential for an investor to get in relatively early and capitalize on their relative newness:

Online Casinos:

Investing in an Online Casino is first on our list for a big reason: This is actually a great investment, with huge potential returns for relatively little risk. Online casinos consistently come in among the highest growth industries worldwide, and the trend is likely to not only continue, but very possibly even accelerate some more.

The trend is so strong for many reasons. First off, gambling is something people do worldwide, and they do it even in places where it is highly illegal. The demand is never going to go away. But brick-and-mortar casinos have their drawbacks. Let’s face it: nobody wants an actual brick-and-mortar casino in their backyard! Also, brick-and-mortar casinos are often beholden to legal regulations on local, regional and national levels, sometimes even conflicting regulations. Online casinos don’t have either of the above problems.

The only caveat here is that this is a very competitive industry, so you have to do your homework before taking the plunge.


E-learning sites such as Skillshare, Udemy, etc. comprise what is still a fledgling industry, and one with massive potential.

The panorama is actually very simple. Decades ago, colleges and universities were the sole gatekeepers of higher learning. For better or for worse, they controlled who had the credentials and therefore qualified for the positions in the vast majority of all industries. Folks who had legit degrees made up a minority of the total population, and the degree was seen, once again for better or worse, as a legit barrier to entry.

In today’s world, this has somewhat deteriorated. A much higher percentage of the population has at least a bachelor’s degree, but the value of that degree has lessened considerably, both because of simple supply and demand, but also because the quality of the education behind that degree has visibly gone way down in terms of quality.

Many post-secondary educations are de facto extensions of adolescence, at a hefty price tag, providing very little value for the investment. Does this sound like too harsh of a judgement? Consider that the Harvard debate team recently surprisingly lost a debate to a prison debate team. Granted, these were some smart people on the winning team, but keep in mind that, decades ago, Harvard’s debate team would go years on end without a defeat! Remember that one of Harvard’s stated goals is to collect the best minds on Earth.

This type of deterioration is obviously not a good thing, but it does represent a catalyst for a whole new industry, the e-learning industry.As the trend of dumbing-down and self-devaluing of the education system continues, it is inevitable that more and more people will take to e-learning as a cheaper and possibly much better quality alternative. This has enormous potential for the human race in general, and specifically as a business venture.

If the current trend continues, e-learning will steadily rise in prominence as a new and better alternative that will start to even threaten other more formal institutions of learning. At the very least, we will start to see e-learning certificates appearing more and more on CVs as time goes on, and that makes this very much a massive growth industry.


E-commerce is sort of the “old faithful” of this list, but we feel it needs to be included all the same, because, although it’s been around in some from or other for more than two decades, it has yet to really hit its stride.

Normally this wouldn’t be such a good thing to say about a business opportunity, but for one simple and undeniable fact: this is absolutely and undoubtedly the future, and everybody knows it will take over the world; it’s just a question of when.

Honestly, it’s not like e-commerce is not a growth field either. It has been supporting some pretty significant growth numbers as of lately; we just feel that it has so much further to go, which is exactly what makes it still a great opportunity, and there is still a lot of “ground floor” left in it.


This one has been saved for last, but it’s definitely not least on the list. Dropshipping is very potentially powerful, and among all of these industries, this type of company, while having a high degree of risk behind it, has the most potential to exponentially multiply your profits quickly on this list.

Dropshipping companies are simply companies that partner with online retail giants, and buy products and resell them using these same partner companies’ platforms. Properly set up, a dropshipping business has almost no overhead, and simply consists of acquisition of products, and them marketing said products. The partner company receives the product, stores it, processes the transaction, and then sends the sold products out to the buyer for a nominal fee.

Care must be taken to ensure that the products the company deals with have good enough margins and will sell quickly enough, and that the people involved with the marketing know what they are doing. If you can be sure of those two points, you have yourself a winner.

Winter is a tough time of the year when the weather can be difficult, and we have to protect ourselves every time we step outside.  We also need to protect our homes in various ways to make sure they stay safe and warm through the season.

Protect your home

Before the worst of the freezing temperatures come along, it is worth checking the water in your home.  You should know where the water mains are in your home and how to shut them off if there is a problem.  Check all visible pipes for signs of leaks – even a tiny leak can lead to a burst pipe in the colder months.

Another protect to ensure is that you have the right home insurance in place, just in case anything does go wrong.  Chill .ie lets you check the cover you have and make sure you are getting the best price.  Look for things like the excess on an escape of water claim to make sure you won’t be left with a bigger than average bill if something bad happens.

Make sure all the safety devices in the home are working and have batteries such as smoke and carbon monoxide alarms as well as your house alarm if you have one.  Check your locks are working well as ice can freeze up mechanisms if you don’t use a certain door very often.

Keeping it warm

Your home’s heating system is one of the most important things during winter and it can be advisable to have a service on your boiler and heating system before the weather gets to its worst.  The colder it gets, the more pressure is put on the system and the greater the chance that something goes wrong, leaving you without heating and hot water.

If you have air conditioning systems in your home, this is another system to have checked during early winter.  Because these units have outdoor elements, they can be prone to freezing and can lead to a breakdown or other problems.

Ideally, set your home temperature between 18-20 degrees (64-68 Fahrenheit) when you are in and a little cooler when you are out at work.  That way you reduce the risk of pipes freezing and bursting.  Even in unused rooms, keep a low-temperature setting for this reason.

Outside safety

There are some steps to take around the outside of your home to help protect it in winter as well.  For example, trim back any trees or dead branches that are overhanging paths or the main footpath – these could fall and cause injury.

Make sure the gutters are free from leaves and that the drain for the main downpipe isn’t blocked.  Blocked drains can cause a range of problems from the ice on paths to burst pipes in the house and even penetrating damp.

If there is a good fall of snow, then use a brush or rake to clear paths within your property boundaries to make it safe and scatter some salt or grit to make it easier to get around.

After enjoying fresh vegetables, herbs, and fruit from your own garden during the summer months, you may be disappointed when winter comes around. Of course, you can buy organic produce from many local markets. However, there is something enriching about the process of growing your own produce.

The reality is that you do not have to completely abandon growing your own produce in the wintertime. You can cultivate an indoor winder garden. What follows are some tips, suggestions, and strategies to grow vegetables, herbs, and fruit indoors during the colder months of the year.


Herbs represent the easiest edible plants to grow indoors during the winter months. With that in mind, basil is the simplest of the herbs to grow indoors — and, if you are like most people, basil is likely one of your favorite herbs. Growing basil can be done successfully by planning seeds in a pot placed next to a south facing window.

Other types of herbs oftentimes can be better grown indoors if you start them from cuttings, rather than seeds. These include rosemary, thyme, parsley, and oregano. These herbs can be planted in a pot place in a south facing window as well.

Root Vegetables

You may have grown different types of root vegetables outdoors. You can grow some of these successfully indoors during the winter months.

Radishes definitely can grow in an indoor setting because this vegetable doesn’t root as deeply as other root vegetables. Certain varieties of carrots can also be grown indoors as well.

The key to cultivating radishes and carrots indoors during the winter months is to select a box or trough of an appropriate depth (deeper for carrots). Seeds should be planted any time from mid-autumn to late winter.


Mushrooms can be grown inside during wintertime. You may be unfamiliar with cultivating mushrooms. Indeed, you may think that there is just something too mysterious about growing mushrooms. In fact, you can cultivate mushrooms fairly easily.

You need to have a draft-free, dark place in your home. A cupboard of pantry can work. Ideally, the space should be such that you can maintain a temperature between 50 and 60 degrees.

You do not need to begin the process of growing mushrooms completely from scratch. You can purchase special compost that contains mushroom spawn. All you need to do to start the process of growing your own mushrooms is to water the soil and then leave it in your predesignated space.

Leafy Greens

If you want a bit more of a challenge, you can cultivate certain leafy greens indoors in wintertime. This includes lettuce, spinach, and arugula.

Leafy greens require more sunlight than the other vegetables previously discussed. IN reality, leafy greens are likely going to need more sunlight that can be gleaned even in a window with a southern exposure in wintertime. Therefore, you need to seriously consider investing in fluorescent grow lights to supplement natural light. You will want to leave the grow lights on between 10 to 12 hours each day.

Beyond the issue with ensuring leafy greens get enough light, the rest of the process of tending to these types of vegetables is not hard. You begin the process by planting seeds in moist potting soil. You need to water your leafy green crop regularly.


You do not have to abandon home-grown tomatoes in the wintertime. As with leafy greens, tomatoes to require a bit more effort when grown indoors during the winter months.

You do need to select smaller varieties of tomatoes. With that said, you will still want to stake the plants to ensure that the weight of the fruit properly is supported. You will also want to use a larger pot or container to accommodate a tomato plant.

Edible Flowers

You may not have yet had occasion to experiment with edible flowers. You might want to take the plunge to growing and using edible flowers during the winter months.

Two edible flowers are particularly easy to grow indoors in wintertime. These are impatiens and calendulas.

These two types of edible flowers are delicious addition to salads. They are perfect salad toppers, adding color and an additional dash of flavor.

As with most of the other plants recommended for an indoor winter garden, edible flowers can be placed in a south facing window in your home. The amount of natural light received each day via a window on the south side of your house should be enough to sustain the growth of edible flowers.

Jessica Kane is a writer for Grow Ace, your best online option for getting your new hydroponic grow operation up and running quickly and easily.

There are plenty of good cocktails out there—martinis, daiquiris, margaritas. But few are as versatile as the Moscow Mule. This cocktail can be enjoyed any time, any place. It’s refreshing and cool, perfect for summer, and, during the frigid cold of winter, the ginger spice will keep you cozy—the vodka doesn’t hurt, either.

The standard Moscow Mule—ginger beer, vodka, and lime juice—is excellent, to be sure. But there are also plenty of variations worth a try. With summer just around the corner, we couldn’t help but wonder what other fruits could be incorporated. Here, we’ve compiled some of the best and fruitiest Moscow Mule recipes.

1.Summer Mule (Courtesy of SheKnows)
Hosting a summer get-together, bridal shower, or birthday party? This is guaranteed to be a hit. The fresh berries are just the right amount of sweet, enhancing and not overpowering the existing flavors. The berries also give it a beautiful rosy pink color.

½ ounce freshly squeezed lime juice
Fresh berries (4-6 per drink)
2 ounces vodka
3 ounces ginger beer
Soda water

Muddle the berries with the lime juice. We suggest blackberries, raspberries, strawberries, or blueberries. The berries should break down quickly as you muddle them and create a syrup-like texture. Add the ginger beer and vodka. Pour over ice and top it off with sparkling water.

2.Spicy Mule (Courtesy of SheKnows)

If you love spicy foods, you’ll love this variation which incorporates jalapeno peppers. We know, jalapenos aren’t really fruit…but it’s too good to leave out. You can add as many as you like, though we’d suggest starting with 3-4 slices per drink and adding more to taste.

Jalapeno pepper

1 ounce fresh lime juice

4 ounces ginger beer

½ ounce orange liqueur

2 ounces vodka


Cut the jalapeno into thin slices. Muddle a few slices with the lime juice and orange liqueur. Stir in the vodka and ginger beer. Serve over ice.

3.The Mule Refresher (Courtesy of Drinkware Essentials)

This is another variation that incorporates fresh berries, making it optimal for summertime.

12 blueberries
8 thinly sliced pieces of cucumber

6 mint leaves, plus a whole sprig for garnish

2 handfuls crushed ice, divided

2 oz. vodka

1 oz. fresh lime juice
½ cup ginger beer

Put the berries, cucumber slices, and mint in the bottom of a cocktail shaker and muddle until the mixture is a thick, juicy pulp. Add one handful of ice, the vodka, and the lime. Shake well for at least 30 seconds. Put a handful of ice into the mug (or glass). Strain the cocktail into the mug. Pour the ginger beer on top of the cocktail mixture. Add remaining ice. Garnish with mint sprig.

4. Passion Fruit Moscow Mule (Courtesy of Pineapple and Coconut)

This tropical take on the Moscow Mule will transport your mind and tastebuds to a sunny island paradise. The recipe makes 2 servings, though there’s nothing wrong with having it all to yourself.

4 oz. vodka (Pineapple flavor or plain)
6 Tbsp. passion fruit pulp—about 4-6 passion fruits’ worth, depending on the size
2 tsp. Barsmith Mix Lime Syrup (or fresh lime juice)
8 Ounces ginger beer
Mint for garnish

Divide the passion fruit pulp amongst the glasses and pour 1 teaspoon of lime syrup (or lime juice) into each glass. Muddle gently. Add in 2 ounces of vodka per glass and top with the ginger beer. Gently stir. Add a sprig of mint for garnish. Serve immediately.

5.Strawberry Moscow Mule (Courtesy of Beautiful Booze)

Berries, like Moscow Mules, are one of the best summertime treats. Here’s another berry-filled variation that’s perfect for a warm afternoon. This one also makes 2 cocktails.


3 oz. vodka

5 Strawberries
½ lime, juiced
½ bottle ginger beer (about 4 oz.)
½ to 1 cup crushed ice
1 strawberry for garnish


Add ice, lime juice, muddled strawberries, and vodka to two serving glasses. Stir mixture. Top with ginger beer.

Once you’ve given these a try, let us know what you think by posting in the comments. Have another fruity favorite of your own? We’d love to hear it!

It’s that time of year when temperatures plummet and we’re faced with weather warnings of heavy snow and icy roads. With so much going on throughout December in the lead up to Christmas, it’s easy to forget about road safety. It’s during this time that we should take extra care when driving and ensure that our cars are in excellent condition to avoid a breakdown on the side of the road. Here are a few things to remember before you set of on your journey.

Check your tyres

Before any long car journey in the winter, it’s important that you regularly check your tyre pressure and for any punctures. Make sure your tyres have the right tread depth. The legal minimum is 1.6mm but safety experts say that it’s best to have at least 3mm. Another thing to remember is to check your spare tyre. The last thing you want is to have to pull over to change a bust tyre only to find out your spare is bust too. If you think your tyres are a bit worn then there are places like that can help you pick out the right tyres for your vehicle and if you are unable to go to one of their fitting locations, they will come out to you.

Check your vehicle’s liquids

Ensure your vehicle’s oil is topped up as it could start causing problems with the engine if it’s not. This is quite a common problem as people tend to overlook it. Other liquids you need to remember for your car journey are brake fluid, engine coolant and screen wash. During the winter weather conditions it’s vital that you have clear visibility of the road, so always make sure you have the right amount of screen wash.

Take extras emergency supplies

This seems like quite an obvious thing to remember but you’d be surprised how many people forget. Take an extra supply of water, snacks, flask with hot beverages and blankets with you so if you do get held up on your journey you have a good stock of essential items to keep you going. Remember to take the vital supplies too, such as ice-scraper, torch, phone and charger and a first aid kit. If you’ve checked your car thoroughly then it’s very unlikely you will breakdown but it’s better to be safe than sorry. If you are travelling with children it’s best to take some travel games with you to keep them busy.

Remember to carry out these three simple safety checks the next time you are setting off on a long car journey and have a safe trip.

One confronts with various stressful events everyday. Stress can arise anytime from jobs, family, relationship problems, finances or anything. While a little stress is good for you, prolonged stress can be harmful for both you mind and body. It can not just cause various health issues but also disturb the lives of others surrounding you. To deal with it, other than keeping a positive attitude, one must also take measures to relieve stress because in a long term, it is very much needed. This being said, online bingo is one such tool that can help you reduce stress in the most upbeat way.

Bingo is not just a game that one plays for money. Its more than just that! Bingo is played across the globe, primarily as a form of entertainment and socializing. Back in the 50s where online bingo was just considered to be a myth, bingo halls were a place where people would gather to have a good time. It was their escape from the everyday chaos and chores, a form of relaxation therapy.

In the 21st century, a lot has changed yet a lot of good things remain the same. Online bingo has emerged and with changing times, people have adapted this new form of gaming. Not just the young ones, but online bingo has not even spared the oldies. You can witness 100s of new players joining the online gaming team everyday. The trend is too good to resist and the best game ever to relive stress.

Also, according to researches, bingo is proved to build cognitive abilities and help improve memory which is why it is used by doctors to help treat Alzheimer and other related health issues.

Online bingo sites like GameVillage have variety of bingo and other casino games to keep players engaged. Also, the online bingo no deposit offer lets players play some of the most popular games for free. They have various other awesome offers, you must definitely check out!

It has a great social community online. The forums and other chatting platforms like chat rooms, Facebook pages etc are the most engaging and keep the players going for good which ultimately helps to de-stress.

Bingo is a great way to escape from the daily problems and chaos and immerse in the world full of fun and entertainment. Even if it’s effective for just few minutes, it’s totally worth it!