
May 2019


Lots of people have a fear of the dentist – maybe it’s the needles, maybe it’s the potential pain or just the idea of someone messing around in your mouth.  Whatever the reason for that fear, it often starts when we are kids.  So as parents, what can we do to help kids be unafraid of visiting the dentist?

Start at an early age

There are two reasons to start taking your kids to the dentist at an early age – to watch for potential problems and to get them used to the visits.  Find a Montreal dentist that works with children and start going from as young an age as they recommend. This can help spot potential problems with their teeth from the very earliest part and will make a trip to the dentist seem no different than a trip to school or the doctor’s – just a normal part of life.

Don’t go into detail

When kids are young, it can pay to keep the information you give them about the dentist trip to a minimum.  Don’t tell them everything will be fine because it is isn’t, then they can lose trust in you and the dentist.  Instead, focus on the dentist going to make sure all of your teeth are healthy so you can eat your favorite foods or something similar.  Don’t mention potential procedures unless they are old enough to understand or have had them before – as long as the experience was a positive one.

Take a pretend visit

Some dentists will even recommend a pretend visit before a serious examination takes place.  This lets them get familiar with the idea of visiting the dentist and see what it is harmless.  You can also prepare them for what the dentist will be doing, holding up a mirror and showing what it looks like to have your teeth checked.  It can even be a game, counting how many teeth they have.  You can even get books that introduce kids to the dentists in a fun and relaxed way.

Kill your own nerves

It can be easy to be nervous yourself for a visit to the dentist – you might be worried about your child’s reaction, the cost or even just have a bit of a phobia yourself.  Try really hard not to let your child pick up on these feelings as they will likely mimic them and develop those same nerves themselves when visiting the dentist in the future.

Based on societal observation, it is not a secret that women make up for the larger segment in regular wine consumers.

After all, wine is our go to drink whether we are having a casual get together, a fancy dinner party, or just a lazy afternoon as we take a raincheck from day to day responsibilities on our days off.

It would also not be incorrect to state that taking a leaf out of Olivia Pope’s book for the love of wine is something that almost all of us have done – and continue to do – as we binge watch a new TV show or make our way through an interesting book. It is not shocking when you think about it either; after all, wine is one of the most versatile drinks known to the humankind that can be enjoyed by a wide variety of alcohol consumers.

That is why, when it comes to finding a bargain on wine glasses or a discount deal on an exceptional wine club membership, we are right in line to get the most out of consuming this proverbial nectar of the Gods.

And when these several reflections come together in a holistic manner, it is all too exciting to not be shared within our little community here.

So let’s go ahead and read about what other wine consumers – mostly women like us – are thinking when it comes to drinking wine.

Women Wine Consumption Trends

Before we get into the nitty gritty of 2018 wine trends, it would be prudent to mention that the observation of women being prevalent wine consumers has been proven by numerous research studies, where one of the most credible of these projects was presented in 2017.

According to E. & J. Gallo Winery, one of the biggest wineries in the United States, around 60% of wine consumers are women.

E. & J. Gallo also found that one of the major reasons of this trend was women getting together on social gatherings such as casual lunches, brunches and weekend hangouts more often than men. This ability to connect with their peers more often gives women plenty of opportunities to open a bottle of their favorite red, white or rose and enjoy it with their loved ones with some much needed chatter.

And now, to the latest market trends (with a wine glass in our hands, of course)!

Wine is a Source of Fun

In its 2018 market research, the company also noted that a whopping 82% of wine drinkers drink it solely for fun, where they are looking at a glass of wine as a reason to unwind.

A glass of wine when consumed in moderation can truly enhance your mood on a joyous occasion, or even uplift your spirits when you are feeling just a bit down and out.

Consumers are Looking for Timely Shopping Experiences

This notion of buying wine as a source of fun goes hand in hand with the shopping experience itself.

According to Gallo’s survey, 65% of consumers reported that they are looking for a clean and timely wine shopping experience in order to not waste much time on selecting a bottle of wine, so they could get what they like and enjoy it the way that they want without any delays.

Wine is Enjoyed More by Older Consumers

This list of facts gets even more interesting when you find out that older consumers tend to enjoy wine more than younger ones, where they also indulge in having a drink at least twice a week, as opposed to a lesser amount of younger consumers who tend to have less than that on a weekly basis.

We for one are remembering this one. After all, keeping this fact in mind the next time you are enjoying a glass of wine with your mother or your grandma might bring out a smile on anyone’s face.

Single Serve is On the Rise

You may have heard about single serve wines, which are regular wines but provided in single serving packs for those who are opposed to opening a whole bottle at once or those who do not want to spend a whopping amount on a Coravin contraption.

According to the research, this trend is gaining gradual yet noticeable traction, where 25% of wine consumers expressed their interest in trying out single serve wines in the near future.

Wine is There to Be Enjoyed, In Moderation

While not a part of the 2018 trends, it goes without saying that whenever you are having an alcoholic drink, even something like wine that usually has a lower alcohol by volume (ABV), you need to ensure that you are not overdoing it in order to take the utmost care of your health and your loved ones’ well-being as well.

If you remember this golden rule, then the wine world is your oyster to enjoy.

So keep these trends in mind and shop happily, and if you have not already done so, schedule a few wine tours or join a wine club in order to enjoy your drinks in the company of like minded people who enjoy wine just as much as you do. It really makes a difference when you get to meet people who share the same interests as you do and goes a long way in terms of character building and social quality of life.

How the months speed by when one is busy.

The school year is almost coming to an end. And family vacation time is also coming up. So you may be wondering what can you do to give the kids a great summer vacation.

There are few things that you can probably think of that would be very simple for you and less costly on your bank account. Camp!!

But camping, depending on where they go, can become stale and boring. And more importantly, it isn’t really a great gift for your kids if they have done an excellent job in school. So here is three places/ or destination we recommend that you take the family for the summer vacation.

# 1 Orlando, Florida

Does it really come as a shocker?

Orlando, Florida has terrific waters parks, amazing Florida sites to see, and most of all…need we really say it; DISNEY WORLD. If ever there were two words that could send your kids into a maelstrom of insanity of pure fun and excitement then it is DISNEY WORLD.

And heck, if your kudos did a fanatics job in school why no tread them with a trip to Disney World?

# 2 The Big Apple

Aside from what the media displays of New York, New York is indeed a great place to visit. Not only for the pop culture reason but because of the massive amount of culture that can be found there. As well as many live entertainments and place of interest for the family to see and explore.

# 3 California

Yes, we know looking for a place for just the kids to have some fun. And California is also a great place as it has, need we say it…DISNEYLAND.  With Marvel being such a hit and being own by Disney your kids can meet their favorite superheroes.

And personally how awesome would it be to meet Captain America or Black Panther?

Let This Summer Vacation Be A Vacation To Remember

The summer vacation is just around the corner and now, yes now, would be the best time to start thinking where to go. These are just a few examples of someplace you could visit, but there are so many more.

So do your research. Discover what is affordable for you and your budget and remember to give the kids a vacation they can enjoy and remember.  Family vacations should be memorable.

There are many occasions in life when we celebrate our children regardless of the different things that they do, achieve and or accomplish. Their first words, their birthdays and their graduations are such important times in both yours and their lives. There is a bond between parent and child that grows between you as they grow up. So if there is anyone that you want to throw the best birthday party for, its your children. So check out our guide to preparing and throwing an awesome kids party to remember!

Pick a Killer Theme

One of the best things about throwing a children’s birthday party is picking out the best theme possible! Nobody knows your child like you, so start thinking about the theme that they really want. Maybe they love space, cowboys and the wild west. Or maybe their into mermaids, princesses and fairy tales. Either way make sure to tailor the party to their particular niche. It will always be a surefire success if your little one is surrounded by their best friends, their family and the things that they love most in the world.

Top Tip: Remember not to hold out with your theme, really get creative and stuck into bringing the theme out in everything that you do. The party will we a whole lot more memorable if you turn the garden into a fairytale maze or convert the living room into an outer space experience.

Party Accessories

Accessories are what make the party really come to life.  Tailored accessories are the thing that make every party successful. The right choice of tools will definitely work wonders for you, especially where children are involved. First and foremost, it is worth noting that children are intrigued by colours. Their minds work best when there are many colours that not only stimulate their mental abilities but also allow them to grow and make the most out of their immediate environment. Make sure you tailor your colours to your theme and stick to it! Does your child love princesses? Get plastic crowns and pink bunting! Does your child love pirates? Get some novelty eye patches and skull and crossbone flags!

Top Tip: You can get everything you need online for less when you use Argos promo codes! They have a range of kids items from balloons, bubble machines and crowns to themed party kits that have everything that you will need included!

Think About Your Food Options

Again it is a great idea to tailor the food that you are going to serve with your theme. You can pick up some fabulous cakes from any of your local supermarkets or you can add then on to your weekly online shop. If your little girl is having a mermaid party then get her an iced cake in blue and pink. If your little boy is having a space party ten get him a cake iced with the solar system. The cake is one of the most traditional birthday presents, so make sure to get it right! But it’s not just the cake that you need to think about. It is also worth considering a buffet or meal for the children. A buffet is always a great way to feed the kids without having the stress of sitting them all down. Plus you can easily tailor your choice of buffet food to your theme! Having a space themed party? Grab some Space Raiders or Flying Saucers.

Top Tip: If you are looking to save some money on your buffet, cake and sweets then head over to Discount Promo Codes where you will find a range of supermarket discounts available.

Don’t Forget the Party Bags

There is nothing more fulfilling than a kid getting to go home with a party bag containing a special treat to remember the party by. Kids simply love to have something to smile about. Fill the party bag with a piece of cake, packet of candy, small games, balloons and other niceties. Why not put a smile on the faces of all the rest of the children too? Your child will be the talk of the school on Monday!

Top Tip: Make sure to pick up themed party bags. You can re-use  your leftover party goods to save a few pennies. Before the end of the party you can top up the bags on things  like sweets, cake, balloons and confetti.

When we look at the most beautiful women in the world, now and in the past, one of the key things to remember is that their looks come at a financial cost.  The beauty industry here in the UK is worth billions and most women spend hundreds, even thousands, each year on beauty products and treatments.

What the celebrities spend

Let’s look at the top end of the scale to start with – what the celebrities spend to look at good as they do.  Two popular current examples are Kim Kardashian and Kylie Jenner, with millions of social media followers, huge TV shows and the adoration of fans around the world.

According to a survey conducted by My Voucher Codes, this comes at a substantial cost both financially and in terms of time.  According to the study, Kim Kardashian takes at least two hours to do her makeup and uses around £2300 worth of products as part of that daily routine.  Of course, she also makes a fortune from her own range of products that is worth around £2.8 million.

Likewise, Kylie Jenner spends around two hours doing her makeup and spends around £2800 every time.  But again, she also generates a huge amount of income from selling these products to others with her income from beauty products, clothing books, posters and other merchandise said to total around £16.5 million a year.

Beauty vloggers

Nor is it just the very top level of celebrities that are making money from their beauty regimes and from their social media following.  Flux Magazine looked at the top beauty vloggers and bloggers to see what kind of following and income they have:

  • Michelle Phan – subscribers: 6 million, earnings £2.1 million a year
  • Zoella – subscribers: 4 million, earnings £50k a month
  • Tanya Burr – subscribers: 2.8 million, earnings £20k a month

When you look at the amount of month most people spend on beauty products, this all makes perfect sense.  For example, the 19-24 age group spend over £1700 a year on such products while their 25-34 age group increase this to over £2000.  It increases another £100 a year in the 35-44 age group and another £100 again in the 45-54 age group.  The last group, 55-64, reduces slightly but still spend an average £2190 a year on such products.

Saving money

Of course, there are ways to save money on these beauty products.  Watching for sales is one effective way while searching for discount vouchers can see a substantial saving.  Trying beauty boxes is another way to get the best products for a bargain price with companies such as Glossybox and Birchbox offering a range of travel or full sized items for as little as £10 a time.

Soaking up the sun at the beach, drinking martinis with your gal pals, eating an entire pint of ice cream in one sitting. It seems like every little indulgence we end up loving can cause premature aging and is bad for our health. But sometimes, these aging habit myths are just that – myths. Here are five aging habits that you can stop stressing about right now:

1. Don’t Apply Moisturizer Using Downward Strokes

We’re told that using downward strokes to apply moisturizers, anti-wrinkle serums, or all natural skin care products, can lead to saggy skin. In actuality, these motions do not use enough pressure to affect your skin’s elasticity or collagen.  IT makeup reviews can help you find some double duty products to help fight wrinkles and look your best too.

2. Exercise Can Cause Saggy Skin

This is also oh-so false. Moderate exercise actually helps to prevent the aging process and boosts blood flow to promote a gorgeous glow. So hit that spin class, girl!

3. Manicure UV Lamps Are Unhealthy

While there is significant proof that UV rays from tanning beds can deeply penetrate your skin and lead to age spots and premature wrinkles, that itty-bitty UV lamp used to dry your gel manicure is low risk. If you’re still weary, apply sunscreen or wear protective gloves during your next mani.

4. Sleeping on Your Side Causes Wrinkles

No studies whatsoever support this. The worst that sleeping on your side can do is cause creases in your skin the next morning that will eventually fade as the day goes on.

5. If You’re an Urbanite, Use Products Designed to Combat Pollution

While environmental factors can damage your skin, all you generally need are products containing Vitamins C, E, and B3, and sunscreen.

Stop believing every aging habit myth. Some of them are simply false.